RoieTBD Community

About Us

Not too far from now a young kid started learning to code in the language Python.
He just wanted to see how coding is... The first times he tried to run his file were failure, he got the same error over and over again.
But then he learned that in Python there are things called libraries and they let you access different kinds of functions, so he downloaded Discord's library for Python or in short - it is called.
Then he really started coding his first bot. Because he looked at an old image and thought it is a baby dragon (when he was really young), he named his bot Baby Dragon.
He started coding some really cool commands most of them were for moderations, but then he realized how much delay Python does to the code.
A normal command takes 5-8 seconds to run, so he just left all the code still and moved to JavaScript since JavaScript's library looks the most familiar "coding style" to the Python library of Discord.
He heared that JavaScript code runs faster.
But before he could learn the Discord library, he needed to learn JavaScript.
He saw that JavaScript mostly used in files called HTML (web browsers language) files but he knew it didn't matter because there is a library of Discord, he just needed to know few functions like the loops and the arrays.
When he started coding his new bot, he felt like not only the files need to be different but also the bot's image logo and username.
So he called his new bot M.O.B which stands for Moderation Operated Bot, he also made the current avatar image of the bot.
He felt like he is going on a different path now than Python, so he started being curious about HTML and CSS.
Then he got two new books for HTML, CSS and the other one had also JavaScript. The second book he read was not very helpful, but do you notice the menu bar at the header of the page?
He used the first book to make it, that book was really helpful and he learned a lot from it about CSS. For example, the image of the commands list in the Discord page is surrounded by a border and that is thanks to that book that teached him a few things.
But then he had a problem, how to test the script?
So he started training on the website called RoieTBD Community.

RoieTBD picture

This is Roie, the web builder; designer and scripter of the bot Greetings.